Jumat, 08 Juni 2012
opinions about english
an effective way to learn english
Jumat, 13 April 2012
May - But you may base your decision on the bank, just like many other people did with Lehman Brothers.
- HSBC had in May set a tender offer price of 2,652 rupiah (US$0.258) per share for the remaining shares in Ekonomi
Might -Sure, people might say that this is only a single case and the argument of efficiency might not be applicable.
-Who knows, competition might effectively solve this problem sooner that we all expect.
Should -You should listen to what UBS has just come out with, which basically says
-Asian Development Bank (ADB) President Haruhiko Kuroda said emerging countries of Asia should rebalance their economic growth from relying on exports to focusing more on the domestic market.
Ought to - We ought to “redistribute” income to the poor, they say. We ought to make health care a right.
-We ought to fix the economy by bailing out the financial industry.
Had better - Countries that stuck to lower expenditure and budget balance had better economic growth, such as the Nordic countries and Germany.
Be supposed to - How exactly is increased government spending supposed to stimulate the economy.
Be to - We will only need one Presidential Regulation [perpres] for the law to be fully put into effect.
Must - the region must shift its focus from boosting exports to strengthening domestic markets, a seminar heard Sunday.
- A nation with fixed exchange rates must enforce those rates.
Have to -the central bank will have to ensure that it can supply the market with those dollars.
-It has been reported that HSBC may have to raise between US$20 and $30 billion to plug a capital shortfall
Have got to -. So, we have got to continue to turn the economic screws on Iran.
Will -We will continue to invest in Bank Ekonomi, its businesses, operations and its employees.
-How will this financial crisis change the way banks do things?
Be going to - When I say it’s going to be worse than the Great Depression, we call it the Greatest Depression.
-You’re going to see people saying, off with their heads.
Can - We are ensuring that landowners whose property is vested by the state in the public interest can be fairly compensated and treated
-The crisis isn't over yet so I can't tell how we will come out of it.
Could -Could you share with us how you see HSBC emerging from the current financial crisis?
-The government could use such schemes as instruments to seek sovereign debt from domestic or international market, especially the rich Gulf countries that are reaping windfall profits from the soaring oil prices.
Be able to -It doesn’t suggest that tourism will ever be able to generate the same level of GDP per worker that professional services does.
Would - it would be much better for us just to manufacture and sell our own brands
-Asking the government to ensure that the cost of higher education will always be cheap would be a naive attempt if not totally ridiculous.
Shall -We shall achieve this objective in two stages.
-we shall lay a solid foundation and in the second, develop at high speed.
Jumat, 16 Maret 2012
kalimat pengandaian atau dalam bahasa Inggris disebut conditional sentences.
conditional sentences pada umumnya memiliki ciri-ciri sebagai berikut:
a. digunakannya kata if dalam anak kalimat (subordinate clause). Karena clause ini diawali oleh if maka disebut if clause.
b. digunakannya modal auxiliary, seperti will, can, may, must, would, could, might, etc. pada pokok kalimat (main clause).
Conditional sentences dikelompokkan menjadi 2 tipe, yaitu: real conditional dan unreal/contrary to fact.
A. Real conditionals (factual / habitual / hypothetical / future possible)
Kalimat pengandaian tipe ini digunakan untuk mengekpresikan situasi atau aktivitas yang biasanya terjadi atau akan terjadi jika situasi pada if clause terpenuhi. Dengan kata lain, apa yang diandaikan itu memiliki peluang untuk terjadi atau menjadi kenyataan.
Sebagai contoh, ketika seorang teman mengajak saya, apakah malam ini saya mau nonton atau tidak, saya mungkin katakan:
- If I have the time, I will go. (Jika saya punya waktu, saya akan pergi).
Kalimat ini secara implisit juga berarti,
- If I don’t have the time, I will not go. (Jika saya tidak punya waktu, saya tidak akan pergi).
Penggunaan real conditionals
Kalimat pengandaian tipe ini dapat digunakan untuk menyatakan:
a. Future time
If + S + present tense, S + | will | + Verb1 |
can | ||
may | ||
must |
Note: if clause bisa diletakkan di depan kalimat (seperti formula di atas), bisa juga diletakkan di belakang setelah main clause. Ini tidak merubah arti kalimat. Dengan catatan, jika if clause diletakkan di belakang, tanda koma tidak diperlukan.
- If I have the money, I will give it to you. (Jika saya punya uangnya, saya akan memberikannya kepada kamu).
- If you keep driving on this speed, we may arrive at office before 9 a.m. (Jika kamu terus nyetir mobil pada kecepatan ini, kita mungkin tiba di rumah sebelum jam 9 pagi).
- I can pass this subject if I study hard. (Saya dapat lulus mata kuliah ini, jika saya belajar giat).
- You must bring an umbrella if you don’t want to get wet. (Kamu harus membawa payung, jika kamu tidak ingin basah (kehujanan).
b. Habitual (kebiasaan/habit)
If + S + verb1, S + verb1 |
Note: Dalam formula ini, modal auxiliary tidak digunakan.
- If Budi has enough time, he usually walks to campus. (Jika Budi punya cukup waktu, dia biasanya jalan kaki ke kampus).
- I usually watch basket ball on TV every Saturday night if I do not fall asleep. (Saya biasanya nonton basket di TV tiap Sabtu malam jika saya tidak tertidur).
- If he has money, he always treats us. (Jika dia punya uang, dia selalu mentraktir kita).
c. Command (perintah)
If + S + verb1, S + verb1 |
- If you finish with your work, please help me. (Jika kamu selesai dengan pekerjaanmu, tolong bantu saya).
- Please give me a cigarette if you don’t mind. (Tolong beri saya sepuntung rokok, jika kamu tidak keberatan).
- If you have time, please meet me in my house. (Jika kamu punya waktu, tolong temui saya di rumah saya).
B. Unreal conditionals jika faktanya dalam simple present tense
a. Jika faktanya dalam simple present tense atau future tense, maka conditionalnya umumnya mengikuti pola berikut:
If + S + verb2, | S + | would | + Verb1 |
- If the teacher didn’t speak quickly, I could understand better what he is teaching about. (Jika guru itu tidak berbicara dengan cepat, saya dapat memahami dengan lebih baik apa yang dia sedang ajarkan). Fakta dari kalimat ini adalah: the teacher speaks quickly, so that, I can’t understand well what he is teaching about.
- He could hug me, if he were here. (Dia boleh memeluk saya, jika dia di sini). Faktanya: he can’t hug me, because, he is not here.
- If I had a pair of wings, I would fly high. (Jika saya punya sepasang sayap, saya akan terbang tinggi). Faktanya: I don’t have a pair of wings, I can’t fly.
- Selalu gunakan be “were” dalam formal English atau dalam test (lihat contoh 2); Walaupun be “was” juga digunakan dalam speaking, tetapi berdasarkan standard written English, penggunaan be was dalam unreal conditionals adalah salah.
- Jika main clause dan if clause dalam kalimat pengandaian merupakan kalimat positif (affirmative), maka faktanya dalam kalimat negatif. Sebaliknya, jika main clause dan if clause dalam kalimat pengandaian merupakan kalimat negatif, maka faktanya dalam kalimat positif.
B. Unreal conditionals jika faktanya dalam simple past tense
Jika faktanya dalam simple past tense atau past future tense, maka conditionalnya mengikuti formula berikut:
If + S + had + verb3, | S + | would | + have + verb3 |
- If Arif had not gone to a movie last night, he would not have met viola (jika Arif tidak pergi nonton film (di bioskop) tadi malam, dia tidak akan berjumpa dengan viola). Fakta dari kalimat ini adalah: Arif went to a movie last night, then, he met viola.
- If the real madrid football team had played well, it could have beaten the Barcelona team (jika team sepak bola Real Madrid bermain bagus, team itu dapat mengalahkan team Barcelona). Faktanya: Real Madrid foot ball team didn’t play well, it couldn’t beat the Barcelona team.
- You could have answered the questions well if you had studied well last night (kamu dapat menjawab soal-soal dengan baik, jika kamu belajar dengan baik tadi malam). Faktanya adalah: you couldn’t answer the questions well, because, you didn’t study well last night.
Perhatikan: Unreal condition yang kedua ini juga dapat diekspresikan dengan menempatkan auxiliary had di awal kalimat. Arti kalimat tidak berubah. Dalam hal ini, kata if tidak digunakan. Jika formula berikut yang digunakan, main clause selalu ditempatkan di belakang (setelah sub-clause).
Had + S + verb3, | S + | would | + have + verb3 |
- Had Arif not gone to a movie last night, he would not have met Viola.
- Had the Real Madrid football team played well, it could have beaten the Barcelona team.
- Had you studied well last night, you could have answered the questions well.
Reference :
Drs.Wisnhubroto dan Dra.Mariani, Ulut. ”Complete English Grammar” .Kanisius ,1994. Yogyakarta
Andri, Yelvi Z.”Buku Pintar Grammar: Untuk Pemula.Transmedia,2010.Jakarta